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N9 Form 是 “Tenant's Notice to End the Tenancy”。 符合你们的现实情况。

Key Differences Between N9 and N11 Forms

  1. Reason for Termination: The main difference between the N9 and N11 forms lies in the reason for termination. The N9 Form is used when both parties agree to end the tenancy for any reason, while the N11 Form is used when there is a specific reason, such as the landlord’s intent to occupy the rental unit or non-payment of rent.
  2. Mutual Agreement vs Specific Reason: Another distinction is that the N9 Form is based on a mutual agreement between the landlord and tenant to terminate the tenancy, whereas the N11 Form is based on a specific reason agreed upon by both parties.
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 请教一下,租客自己买房子了要搬走,应该让他签N9还是N11?有什么区别?谢谢! +1
    • 加拿大每件事都啰嗦死了,沃尔玛购物出门要不要填表先?麦当劳吃饭以后政府报备?
      • 是,都是精神病人当政自吹自擂自己是法律社会,实际就是一些牛鬼蛇神在做怪
        • 是呀, 出国两三年之后就对所谓的法治彻底无感了, 记得大学同学贴了美国法官赔了消费者多少钱的案子, 差点想吐槽, 结果想想就算了. 毕竟人家也没经历过 .... ...
    • N9 +2
      • 我的理解是N9只是租客单方面签,而N11是双方都要签。你认为N9更好一些吗?理由是?谢谢!
        • N9 Form 是 “Tenant's Notice to End the Tenancy”。 符合你们的现实情况。 +1

          Key Differences Between N9 and N11 Forms

          1. Reason for Termination: The main difference between the N9 and N11 forms lies in the reason for termination. The N9 Form is used when both parties agree to end the tenancy for any reason, while the N11 Form is used when there is a specific reason, such as the landlord’s intent to occupy the rental unit or non-payment of rent.
          2. Mutual Agreement vs Specific Reason: Another distinction is that the N9 Form is based on a mutual agreement between the landlord and tenant to terminate the tenancy, whereas the N11 Form is based on a specific reason agreed upon by both parties.
          • 解释的非常详细,谢谢!
            • 不客气 ☺
      • 租客自己提出要搬走时,管理公司都是要他们签N9 Form.
    • 新规定吗?我十几年钱租过几次房子,走了什么都没让签,什么时候开始的?
      • 估计他是通过经纪出租房子才这么地。自己出租房子没这么干的。房客已经提出要走,没必要填表。填表能保证个什么?他突然不走了,填表能保证惩罚他?
        • 签表以后才能安心找新租客啊,不然收了押金,老房客又不走了咋办
          • 是这个道理。经纪只管租房时,房客走了人家又不管的。请房客签一下,相对放心一点。
        • 有这个表,可以启动驱逐程序,警察请走
          • 房客真不走了(已经说了要走,一般突然不走了,多半是找房子出了点问题,或者机票出了点问题),签这个也没用。启动归启动,等到真赶走要时间。当然理解经纪要求签这个,经纪可以对房东说,我能做的都做了(虽然没啥用)。
            • 这是一个证明,如果新来的房客因为进不来而产生各种损失比如酒店外食损失,经纪费损失,有了这个可以找旧房客要。否则嘴上说一句事后可以不承认。而且的确可以驱逐,给房客一个震慑他就赶紧找房子走了
    • 你准备一个N11表让他填上签字就可以了!
    • 有些经纪管之后租房的要求签N11才踏实
      • 签租约的同时要求签N11是违法的。
        • 这里是说现有租客走后招租的经济
          • 自己租一般都不那么认真,旧租客变卦走不了,房东就把订金退给新租客一般就没事了。通过经纪租的,必须要保险,旧租客一反悔,新租客不是那么容易打发的😂
            • 即使不通过经纪,假如新房客那边已经通知原来房东走了,搬不回去了只能住酒店,这些都得房东赔。,或者定了搬家公司,都得赔。如果有经纪,经纪费还得你陪。
    • 区别是N9是房客单方通知搬走,N11是双方决定终止租约,N11会对房客按时搬走有更多的威慑力